查看完整版本: [轉載]How to shut up a crying baby!!!
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dicky123234 發表於 2010-10-23 01:51 PM

[轉載]How to shut up a crying baby!!!

本帖最後由 dicky123234 於 2010-10-23 01:58 PM 編輯

[轉載]How to shut up a crying baby!!!  
【標題】:How to shut up a crying baby!!! 【轉載地點】:Youtube
【觀看感想】:有了這個 竟不用謄心BB哭得天也掉下來^^<div></div>

95311 發表於 2010-10-27 08:29 PM


slickers 發表於 2024-4-2 06:41 PM

i only see the text but not video.
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